Command and Conquer Level Level Name: Nuclear Destruction: The Lone War Created By: Sunny Lee ( Release Date: Mar. 11, 1996 Map information: Various Sizes Player: Special Difficulty: Depends Filename: NCD-XX.XX File contents: Missions Tested on Command and Conquer v1.19p (English version) Level replacement ----------------- This is a campaign designed to be used with GDI missions 1 to 5 (5th one to come soon). Simply rename NCD-XX.XX to it's appropriate name; for example, to play level 1 simply rename NCD-01.INI to SCG01EA.INI and NCD-01.MAP to SCG01EA.BIN and put these two files into your C&C directory and then play. OR simply rename the .SAV file to SAVEGAME.XXX (.XXX is whatever the number you wish) and load this file in the "Load Missions" option. Mission Description ------------------- NOD is pissed at Washington for its support of the world. Washington is known to provide both financial and military equipment to the middle east. NOD could have their hands on those areas if not for Washington's support! Now our intelligence told us that NOD is in the process of blowing up Washington and contaminate western world with their nuclear weapon. They already have several nuclear weapons developed and ready to launch; however, they are in the process of developing the most deadlist of all nuclear weapons. Your task is to bring a some forces with you and destroy whatever is necessary to stop them from lauching that missle on Washington! Thanks to the author/authors of CCMAP v2.1 for making an amazing editor. Thanks to the author/authors of BASE-IT v1.0. Sunny T. Lee